Edgar Park Veterinary Clinic is a full-service veterinary medical facility, located in El Paso, TX. The professional and courteous staff at Edgar Park Veterinary Clinic seeks to provide the best possible medical care, surgical care and dental care for our highly-valued patients.
We are committed to promoting responsible pet ownership, preventative health care and health-related educational opportunities for our clients. Edgar Park Veterinary Clinic strives to offer excellence in veterinary care to El Paso and surrounding areas.
Please take a moment to contact us today, to learn more about our veterinary practice and to find out more information about how Edgar Park Veterinary Clinic can serve the needs of you and your cherished pet.
Katharine A. Nenni, D.V.M., Owner
Years in Practice: 26
Education: Texas A & M
Interests: Doctor Nenni enjoys soft tissue surgery, internal medicine, dentistry, photography, and being outdoors
Gail R. Patrick, D.V.M.
Years in Practice: 40
Education: Texas A & M
Interests: Doctor Patrick enjoys photography and hiking in her free time
Letty Mazziotta
Office Manager
Years in Practice: 47
Interests: Letty enjoys family road trips, shopping, and taking trips with girlfriends
Christina Corwin
Head Veterinary Technician
Years in Practice: 32
Interests: Christina enjoys horses, spending time with her granddaughter, reading, making jewelry, music,
and singing
Cynthia Alonso
Head Receptionist
Years in Practice: 14
Interests: Cynthia enjoys hanging out out with her 9 dogs and 50 birds, and spending quality time with
Ryan Moon
Veterinary Technician/Receptionist
Years in Practice: 8
Interests: Ryan enjoys music, traveling, and spending time with family
Ann Hemme
Veterinary Technician/Surgery Lead
Years in Practice: 17
Interests: Ann enjoys reading, gardening, and doing DIY projects
Maribel Sanchez
Veterinary Technician
Years in Practice: 6
Interests: Maribel enjoys being outdoors, spending time with family, origami, and traveling
Ana Villar
Veterinary Technician
Years in Practice: 2
Interests: Ana enjoys shopping and hanging out with her dogs
Ariana Welch
Veterinary Technician
Years in Practice: 2
Interests: Ariana enjoys reading and watching movies
Isabella Mooney
Veterinary Technician
Years in Practice: 1
Interests: Isabella enjoys reading and botany in her free time
Mia Lozano
Veterinary Technician
Years in Practice: 1
Interests: Mia enjoys playing basketball, food, and painting
Gabriella Garnica
Veterinary Technician
Years in Practice: 1
Interests: Gabriella enjoys watching TV shows and going on walks with her dogs and husband